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The Company

The way Comtec works is cutting-edge in the business world, and accounts for its performance in more than 100 Brazilian cities. Comtec´s operation includes on-demand contracts, infrastructure outsourcing, customer retention, specification and standardization of customer’s infrastructure.

More than products these are concepts that permeate its performance in the market since the beginning of its activities, in 1988, and made it attract customers that are benchmarks in their activities. Comtec designs and provides technologies that add value to the business, reduce costs, and optimize the use of existing resources ensuring flexibility, stability and security.

The corporate segment is the focus of Comtec, which provides solutions for all essential components of the business infrastructure with computer and telecommunications products and services for the most diverse environments in the area of Information Technology and Electronic Security.

Taking responsibility for inventory management of the companies it serves, as well as for the standardization and management of the infrastructure and corresponding documentation, issuing management reports to support the decisions taken and measuring the performance of the facilities are also part of Comtec´s areas of expertise.

More than selling and managing technology, Comtec works with processes, standardization and inventory, using technology in its favor and for the benefit of its customers. An example of this is the management of all the documentation concerning the facilities under its responsibility, even allowing the customer to have offline access to the documentation, which facilitates the migration of documentation when necessary.

Furthermore, based on the latest technology of the segment in which it operates, Comtec develops its activities in compliance with the national ABNT and international standards of TIA.

Comtec operates 24 x 7 x 365, making use of state-of-the-art equipment.


“Commitment to Technology”


Innovation, Reliability, Flexibility, Loyalty, Ethics, Quality, Sustainability.


To act in processes taking care of standardization and customer inventory in order to generate quality gains in the information and optimization of maintenance costs and facilities update.



Management of the entire production chain at the customer´s facilities, with coordination focused on the production flow, emitting alerts in case of any non-standard occurrence. Management of the production flow is done in three stages ‒ sales, project management and payments ‒ that include activities such as generation of opportunity or request, and the design of the solution, purchase and delivery of material according to a schedule set together with the customer; till payment of suppliers and confirmation of receipt.

Flexibility, focus on the customer, safety, stability, management, reliability, promptness, quality, innovation and commitment are Comtec´s usual practices in the management of production chain, which are expressed by:

Customer service – Customer retention is the focus of Comtec. To reach this goal, flexibility is the key-word and is expressed in the adjustment to the customer´s needs without compromising the quality and promptness of the service.

Services - Projects and installation of highly specialized IT infrastructure solutions, with state-of-the-art materials, with its own specialized equipment and skilled labor. Guarantee based on certifications from several manufacturers in the IT Infrastructure sector permeates the whole process.

The companies served by Comtec confirm the assertiveness of the work carried out:  BRF, BASF, PEPSICO, BRINKS, JAGUAR, DOW, ROCHE, NESTLE, CARGILL, MOSAIC, VALE, SEARA, SANTANDER, NIVEA, JOHN DEERE.

Legal and regulatory requirements

The permanent pursuit of actual results of corporate governance practices and actions permeates all of Comtec's actions.  Therefore it fully meets the legal and regulatory requirements (corporate, tax, labor and environmental). Its management model, practices and processes are transparent to the public of internal and external interest, whether in compliance with ethical standards, accountability, agreements and relationship with clients, or with suppliers, employees and society in general.


Management of requirements related to the social factor

Full compliance and management of requirements related to the social factor are also principles that govern Comtec. In this area, actions include commitment to health and safety at work; to child and adolescent rights; commitment to valuing and promoting diversity; commitment to inclusive management; commitment to professional development and employability, and relationship with suppliers.

Governance and Compliance

Commitment to Technology ‒ a concept that accounts for the name of the company – and values expressed in ethics, sustainability, quality, innovation, reliability and flexibility: these are Comtec´s tools in its search to fulfill its mission and establish differentials in terms of service. These same tools contributed to building the positive image of the company with its investors, customers, suppliers and society as a whole.

The core values of Comtec and its team need to be continually stimulated and practiced. They are expressed in the transparency in relationships, in the permanent renewal of bonds, and in the true commitment of the people who make up the company and are responsible for its position as a benchmark in the Information Technology sector.

Social responsibility and compliance policy are closely linked to corporate governance, and they are natural consequences of the seriousness with which these themes pervade all of Comtec´s actions.

In broad terms, Comtec´s Code of Conduct provides information on the relationship with customers, business associates, collaborators, suppliers, partners, competitors, government, community and environment. These are some of the topics addressed:

  • Customer service;
  • Management of physical and financial resources;

  • Compliance with the legislation relevant to business activity;

  • Appreciation for the human being; promotion of the physical, psychological and moral well-being of all;

  • Respect for diversity of sex, race, color, age, culture, sexual orientation, politics and religion;

  • Encouragement of personal and professional growth;

  • Contract of suppliers according to technical, professional and ethical criteria, predetermined;

  • Establishment of partnerships based on professional ethics and identity of principles and interests;

  • Reject of harassment of any kind as well as bribes and similar practices of unfair competition; reject child and/or slave labor, including from business partners and customers.

  • Use of materials and products from manufacturers with policies to reduce or eliminate environmental impact;

  • Improve the use of equipment and materials in order to extend their lifespan,  thus avoiding waste and unnecessary replacement;

  • Continuous search for sustainable solutions;

  • Act responsibly when dealing with natural resources, and protect the environment in its area of work as well as health and safety of its collaborators, neighbors and business partners.

  • Observance of ethical principles and respect for laws and regulations in force:

  • Awareness that company ownership also includes intangible assets such as knowledge; exclusive rights, intellectual property rights and copyrighted material;

  • Respect for the privacy and integrity of its collaborators and business partners.  

The Team

Comtec is committed to the premise that its main asset is the customers and the team. Thus, team work, stability, management, reliability, promptness and quality are concepts practiced permanently, since its foundation in 1988. 

Highly specialized professionals, always up-to-date and focused on the commitment with the quality of service.

In order to maintain its quality standards in line with customer requirements and specificities, Comtec invests in employee development, providing training and space to grow, striving to be a great company to work with.

© 2019 by Comtec - Commitment to Technology

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